Guest Wireless Access


Williams College provides guest Wi-Fi access. This fast and robust network access is provided for visitors and patrons while on campus. Use implies agreement with all terms and conditions of appropriate behavior of our Acceptable Use Policy.


The network is for computers, Smart phones and tables with wireless capabilities.


To connect to our guest Wi-Fi first join the Williams wireless network Williams-College. You should see Williams-College in your device’s list of available networks while on campus.   

Once connected you will be re-directed to a portal page with three options. Click Guest Wi-Fi.

Agree to the terms of use then click Log In.  Your device should now have internet access.

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Please contact OIT if any additional help is needed.

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Related Services / Offerings (2)

All data jacks (ethernet wall plate ports) are off by default. In order to access our network via a wired (ethernet) connection using a 'data jack' (wall plate port) in your lab or office you will need to request it be activated.
Wi-Fi connectivity issues.