Each student is given a PaperCut account that they will use for Print on campus. For the Fall and Spring semesters, Williams will provide $50.00 worth of free printing for underclassmen (the equivalent of 500 double-sided, black-and-white pages). Seniors are given a larger printing allotments due to the higher expectations of writing intensive course work. This allotment should meet the needs of about 90% of all students with no change in printing habits.
All Williams Students.
I am a financial aid thesis student, can I get assistance with my printing expenses?
Financial aid recipients enrolled in a thesis or project for honors at graduation are entitled to a yearly maximum of $125 for such items as printing, copying, binding and other related research expenses. The grant will automatically be sent to their direct deposit bank account shortly after the drop/add period closes.
How will I know if I'm getting close to using all of my current allotment?
You will be notified three times by email that you are approaching the end of your print allotment: once when your account credit drops below $10.00 (about 100 double-sided pages remaining), again at $5.00, and finally at $2.50. You can also check your account at any time by visiting http://papercut.williams.edu. If you do not have enough pages in your current allotment for a print job, a pop-up notification will alert you and you will not be able to print it on a networked printer until you add credits to your account.
What if I need to add printing credits to my allotment?
Most students, with reasonable effort and management of printing practices, will be able to meet their academic printing needs with the initial allotment. While the free print allotment was designed to meet most students' academic needs, there is no guarantee that all your academic printing will be provided free of charge. Talk to your professor about getting printed course packets prepared for long readings.
You can add credits two ways:
- Log in to your PaperCut account
- Click on the “Add Credit Online” menu link on the left hand side
- Select an amount from the drop down and click the “Add Value” button
- Fill in the credit information
Via the Bursar’s Office (Students Only)
- Purchase a PaperCut $5, $10, $20, $50, or $100 PaperCut Redemption Card from the Bursar’s Office in Hopkins Hall
- After purchasing the card, login to your PaperCut account
- Choose Redeem Card from the left-hand side menu.
- Enter the number on the front of the card and your account will be credited for the value on the card
What happens to my balance at the end of the semester?
At the end of each period (semester, and summer), any unused portion of the free allotment will be cleared from your account, and a new allotment credited to your account at the beginning of the next semester. Any remaining purchased printing credits will be carried forward each semester during your time at Williams.
I need to print something for my student organization or on campus job. Will I get charged for those?
If you print these documents from your personal account, your account will be debited. Student organizations and departments should request group account so the students personal account will not be charged. If you need an group account set up account set up use the request account button in the top right. At the time of setup, you will be asked to provide a list of students that are allowed to print using the account.
After a department account is created, your student workers will be able to select the departmental account when they print. You will receive a weekly report showing the printing activity associated with the departmental account.
For registered student organizations the organization will only be given one printing account. The account will be created with an initial balance of $5.00. More can be added by logging into PaperCut and clicking the “Add Credit Online” menu link. The organization is responsible for distributing account login information to those students responsible for printing on behalf of the organization.
Additional Help
See the related article section for more information. Please use the service request button on the top to request additional help.