Microsoft Office 365 Suite


Williams College provides Microsoft Office 365 for use to all enrolled students and employees at Williams. For Faculty and Staff our license with Microsoft allows for downloads of the latest office suite of programs, like Word and Excel, on computers (MacOS and Windows) and sign into apps on the mobile devices (iOS, Android, & Windows).

Office for Windows applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher, PowerPoint, OneDrive, Access

Office for Mac applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote

Mobile apps are available but limited for iOS and Android phones and tablets.


An active Williams faculty, staff, or student account.  Please note, some part-time employees and retirees may not qualify for an O365 license.


To Access the apps or the suite installer you can log into using your Williams (Okta) email and password. See below for full directions.

Williams OIT issued computers should have the Microsoft Office Suite already installed. If you need help with a Williams Computer please contact the help desk at or x4090.

How to Download & Install Office 365 on a non-Williams Computer

Faculty and Staff are licensed to download/install the Office Suite onto their computer. To get the installer log into using your Williams (Okta) email and password.

MS Office Sign in Screen

That should redirect you to our Okta sign in. Enter your username, then password then MFA. You will be redirected back to Here you can confirm whether you want to stay logged in.

On the Office page click the "Install and more" dropdown in the top right. Then click Install Microsoft 365 apps.

Office install Options

On the next page click the Install Office Option

install Office button

That should download an Office Setup/Installer to you computer. Run that installer to install the suite on your computer.

Note: Macs must download the entire Office Suite before the install can begin.  This might take a long time, several hours or more on a slower connection. 

Additional Help

For help with Microsoft Office installs please contact the help desk at or x4090.

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