Sharing Data


While local network storage is very secure, it can be difficult to set up and manage sharing. Because of this OIT also provides storage on the Google Drive and on campus network drives. This article describes the use of these services.


All client with active Faculty, Staff and Students accounts at Williams. 


Google Drive or Network Drive?

In general, OIT recommends that you use Google Drive for sharing and collaborating on most files. Network Drives are a good solution for files contain protected information that should be protected from exposure and are required to stay off the cloud.  Please consult the OIT Data Classification Policy and Usage Guidelines and your department to ask about sharing conventions within your specific department.

Click the service below for detailed information on each:

Google Drive
Network Storage

Connect to a Network Drive

Most network drives are automatically assigned by your job role. There are some instances where access to another department’s drive is granted to an individual and the drive mapping needs to be done manually. Choose your OS for directions:
NOTE: If you are off campus you will need to make a VPN connection before connecting to a network drive.


Department Network Drive list

College network file servers have changed from Novell to Microsoft a number of years ago.  The overall naming convention also changed from personal names (e.g. Hector) to a basic numbering scheme (e.g. Files2). See below for your departments drive listing

Network Volume List

Additional Help

See A Detailed Look at Williams Google Drive for more information..

If additional help is need please submit a ticket using the request help button in the top right.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Storage and backup of your data