How do I setup and use the Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection?


Running the VPN client allows you to establish a secure connection to the college network.  Your computer acts as though it were here on campus.  Among other things this allows a keyserver connection to run Williams licensed software from off-campus. The VPN connection is limited to Faculty, Staff  and Students who are doing academic or administrative work.


A college account, a device that meets the minimum requirements for Cisco Secure Client (VPN).  


Installation Steps

On OIT issued computers the Cisco Secure Client (VPN) is already installed. For other devices (ex. personal, mobile, etc.) or to re-install on a college computer please click the appropriate OS below to see installation instructions.



Connection Steps

Open the VPN and Enter the server in the connect field. Then enter your Williams username (ex. abc1) and password. After logging in you will be asked to provide a MFA passcode from your Okta Verify app. If you prefer a push notification or have another method setup you can specify that in the box with the corresponding number. i.e. type 1 to get the Okta Verify push notification: If you have not set up Okta yet see:

vpn screen shot

vpn screenshot

vpn screen shot

vpn screenshot

Please make sure to disconnect from the VPN when you are done. Also keep in mind most things you need to do off-campus do not require a VPN connection. For a full list and instructions see the Working From Home FAQ.

Additional Help

Be sure to uninstall earlier VPN version and reboot before re-installing Cisco Secure client.

If you experience problems logging in after your VPN make sure you are using you Williams/Okta password and Okta Verify app for MFA

Need additional information or assistance? Click the related service on the right side to submit a ticket.

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Related Services / Offerings (3)

Request access to the VPN on behalf of a Contractor of the College.
Request help with accessing the Williams College VPN
VPN allows for connecting to the Williams College network while off campus.